Hej! Till of that new music blog spent one whole day on tour with us to write this nice German feature giving away all our neurotic tour routines, the foot massages and so on. But all the glamour starts here so don’t miss out on this one!

If you want to find out about how Laura’s family is conquering whole socialmedia, where the album title is coming from or in what way Gregor still remains 11 years old – just read this nice German interview we had with Hannah of Fauves magazine the other day in Mainz!

Yours two truly talked to Vinyl-Fan.de zine about analog mojo vs. digital comfort, being influenced by strong 💪 female indie musicians (and the Beach Boys 👦🏼) and much more. Read it here. Hope you guys are getting some sun wherever you are! 🌞 Have a great day! xx